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Monday, July 17, 2017

Walking and Talking Opens the Doors to New Ideas

In a recent conversation with a colleague about some current challenges at work and changes taking place in our personal lives, I found myself getting up from my desk and starting to pace. As I walked around my office my head began to clear my head and new ideas and solutions unfolded that helped to navigate discussion points more clearly.

By walking away from my desk, the computer, the cellphone (all the distractions and noise), I was able to think more clearly and be present and supportive.

A few days later, I went on a walk to enjoy the fresh spring weather. Before too long, I found my head swirling with new ideas and thoughts for a new project. When I arrived in my office, I transcribed my scribbled notes—which turned out to be the source of a brilliant solution for the project.

Lately, I find myself saying to my colleagues, “Why don’t we take a break for a moment and get some fresh air?”  For some of my scheduled calls, I even encourage the person on the other end of the phone to join me for a walk and talk!

During seasons of comfortable weather it’s nice to get outside, walk around the block. If there is a park close by, take a few minutes and walk through nature and take in the scenery. During the colder inclement seasons, walk around office corridors or lobby areas.

I remember someone once giving a group of colleagues some simple yet great advice: Sitting in front of one’s computer does not grow creative thoughts or solve problems. The best thing you can do is walk around and share in conversation with colleagues and friends.

Talk, yes, talk about things! Talk through your thoughts, challenges and ideas. It is so refreshing to walk, talk and share thoughts. I have solved so many problems and created so many new ideas when walking and talking. Try it and see how you feel!