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Monday, October 2, 2017

Harvest Season and New Beginnings

At the end of the summer season of gardening, we were given an extra blast of record-breaking heat. Just when we thought we were finished, all of a sudden, there was more work to do.  There is always more to do..!

Sometimes all I want to say is, "We survived!"  Garden work really is about surviving and making it through another season of life.

We've all had that feeling when work feels endless. Stop to remind yourself of the cherished memories over the years of coworkers and accomplishments gained.  Be reminded that there are cycles of seasons at work, too.

Summer season gives me the perspective I need to withstand new challenges put in front of me. I work hard and enjoy the progress. Who doesn't! That is the meaning of work.  

It’s a new season.  A new cycle. Let go of any doubts or confusion and welcome in the harvest. There is much joy as things slow this time of year.