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Monday, January 7, 2019

Reflection and Vision: How to Help Your Business Grow in the New Year

It’s January. Already. If last year flew by, chances are this year won’t be any different.  A clear idea at the start of the year provides a focus for the months ahead. Plotted carefully, you can make great strides for yourself, your team and your business.

1) Reflection
January is the best time to think. Think about the last 12 months. How was your year? What were the triumphs? What were some hiccups? I encourage you to block off some quiet time for reflection this month.  Our observations on experiences lived are our best guide for what to do (and what not to do) in the future. 

2) Discovery 
Once you’ve completed an individual reflection time, gather with co-workers and share these reflections of the past year. I like to call these discovery sessions. Be open with eachother and, above all, be encouraging of one another. Keep the word “stretch” in the back of your mind. This is a great time to look at yourself and others and think of new ways to outperform in the new year with new strategies and new roles. Have someone keep a tally of minutes that can be shared with all at the end of the meeting.

3) Vision
Every year needs a business plan. Turn the discoveries and evaluations into goals and business objectives. Consider training programs to reset standards that reinforce the company’s foundation, if needed. Consider implementing an internal mentorship program to boost morale and prepare for succession at every level of your business. And, as an individual, make sure you set goals that don’t just say what you want to achieve, but how. 

Devoting time in January for reflections and some dreaming will help you to achieve targets and goals for success in the months ahead. Set goals – don’t hide them. Make sure you are implementing them and adjusting them regularly for growing your business and your team. 

And, be sure to set aside time each month to review your vision. Allow yourself a monthly brain-storming session to meditate and adjust your approach on ideas, if needed. This way, you won’t forget your direction and you’ll never lose sight of your goals.