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Thursday, July 5, 2018

The Building Blocks of a Successful Project and a Successful Team

Most people can agree on what a project should look like when completed, yet there seems to be a big gap when it comes to understanding how to get there.  The ABC  Building Block model will help to develop a successful project, program, department or presentation. When I shared the title of this model to my highly educated, tech savvy colleagues, I watched a smirk unfold on their faces. Some started to shut down. Trust me. This approach is going to help you to be successful. It’s a simple plan of execution to achieve a complex mission.

“How can this help me,” you ask, “with my complicated numbers, measurements I need to compile to complete this project?”

Sometimes, it’s the simple secondary tools that are needed to chart through the complexity of algorithms, graphs, and excel sheets. 

Get out your note pad, pens or pencils, and let’s start with the first block.

Block A: The mission and purpose of this project

What is the purpose? What are the goals that must be met to complete the project?

  • Developing the mission is the most important block because it is the foundation. The right foundation is the difference between building your plan on solid rock or sand.
  • Step away from electronic scheduling and calendars for a moment and be realistic about the amount of ‘real time’ it will take to get the project done. 
  • This block is the most challenging, as it needs great leadership. Leadership must be willing to help everyone get through the “tough times” of the project, keep the team focused, and reward the team as the project hits milestones of completion. 
  • This block is the most challenging, as it needs great leadership. Leadership must be willing to help everyone get through the “tough times” of the project, keep the team focused, and reward the team as the project hits milestones of completion. 
  • A formal collaborative working team must meet on a regular basis to review and discuss progress and/or challenges to develop next steps forward. 
  • Prioritize a realistic plan–that includes deadlines, man-hours and budget. Build a map for what needs to get done with targeted goals for completion. 
  • Always, while communicating with the client on the progress of the project, make sure to secure their approval for the direction forward.
  • Does the completion meet the original mission? 
  • What did you learn that you could improve upon when developing your “Block B” map?

Block B: The map of your plan 

Block B is often over-looked. The successful implementation of the project requires synced calendars, assignment sheets, deadline dates and most importantly a strategic communications plan.  How will you communicate progress, internally and externally, to your client?
  • This block is the most challenging, as it needs great leadership. Leadership must be willing to help everyone get through the “tough times” of the project, keep the team focused, and reward the team as the project hits milestones of completion. 
  • A formal collaborative working team must meet on a regular basis to review and discuss progress and/or challenges to develop next steps forward. 
  • Prioritize a realistic plan–that includes deadlines, man-hours and budget. Build a map for what needs to get done with targeted goals for completion. 
  • Always, while communicating with the client on the progress of the project, make sure to secure their approval for the direction forward.

Block C: The completion of the project

Project completed! Congratulations! But don’t pack up and walk on to the next thing. Take some time to review. 
  • Does the completion meet the original mission? 
  • What did you learn that you could improve upon when developing your “Block B” map?

Simply Said: ABC Blocks will build a successful project if you take the time to plan it from the start and lead the team through completion by having a commitment from all to uphold the accountability markers as agreed upon from Block A—the development of the mission.

By developing a Building Block Model for your project, you:

  • 1. Develop a more collaborative team with open and honest communications in place. 
  • 2. Develop a trusted working relationship with your client by maintaining an open and on-going communications plan. 
  • 3. Eliminate a chaotic atmosphere and form a more productive team environment of trusted communication.